Animal House

Animal House

Since 2012, the Khalsa College of Pharmacy’s animal house facility in Amritsar, Punjab, has been authorised to educate and breed small laboratory animals by the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climatic Change, Government of India. A two-way corridor system is used to prevent cross-contamination in the animal house facility’s double-story building. Small laboratory animals including mice, rats, rabbits are kept on one floor of the building specifically for housing, breeding and quarantine. Each species of animal is housed in its own room. Each room is vented, and environmental factors such as temperature (23°C), relative humidity (60%) and a 12:12 h light and dark cycle are used to maintain environmental control.

Animal quarters, storage areas, and other locations are regularly cleaned and disinfected by the animal home attendant. On a regular basis, the cages, water bottles, and bedding are sterilised. Animal carcasses are disposed of in incinerators along with other garbage. For the disposal of biological waste, an MoU has been struck with Medicare biological Safety. GLP concepts are included into typical tasks’ standard operating procedures. According to CPCSEA criteria, Khalsa College of Pharmacy has given well-sized animal housing for use in breeding and research. The college has received its five-year CPCSEA registration.