
Khalsa College Charitable Society, Amritsar


Khalsa College establishment committee was formed in 1890 and college foundation laid on March, 5, 1892. It is the masterpiece of the tradition Sikh architecture and a mixture of French, British, Mughal and Rajput architecture and conceived by Bhai Ram Singh ji. The distinguished alumni of the college include renowed personalities (Dr Bhai Jodh Singh, S. Bhian Singh Samundri, Dr. Gurbax Singh), National Leader (Sir Sunder Singh Majithia and Master Tara Singh), Sportsmen (S. Manna Singh and S Harbial Singh).


Khalsa College Charitable Society claims pre-eminence not only for its glorious past, but also because of its visionary outlook towards the future. It finds inspiration in the lofty ideals of the Great Gurus who have always advocated a progressive attitude of mind, giving up all that is dogmatic, according due value to intelligence and logic. The college was visualized as a place of learning that would strive towards ever higher degrees of excellence in development of the mind and spirit.  Khalsa College Charitable Society prides itself on associating with and nurturing highly intelligent, inspired and hardworking personalities. Progress is our watchword and academic achievement our measure of success. The eminence of its teaching faculty and fascination of its well-stocked library, high tech laboratories, extensive playing-fields and recently renovated hostels are its main attractions. A sense of grandeur and beauty pervades the campus. Right from the very beginning, highly intelligent, inspired and hard-working personalities have remained associated with it. The eminence of its teaching faculty and fascination of its well-stocked library, well-equipped laboratories, well maintained play grounds and hostels have been its main attractions. A sense of greatness and beauty pervades the corridors of its campus. The aim of growing up into a University continues to inspire us.

Institutes Governed by the Society

Members of the Managing Committee

S. Satyajeet Singh MajithiaPresident
S. Savinder Singh KathunangalVice-President
S. Rajinder Mohan Singh ChinnaHon. Secretary
S. Jatinder Singh BrarAddl. Hon. Secretary
S. Gunbir SinghJt. Secretary (Finance)
S. Ajmer SinghJt. Secretary (Legal Property)
S. Paramjit Singh BalJt. Secretary (Buildings)
S. Ajit Singh BasraJt. Secretary (Religious Affairs)
S. Sardool Singh MannanJt. Secretary (Aided Schools)
S. Santokh Singh SethiJt. Secretary (Public Schools)
S. Rajbir SinghJt. Secretary (Farms and Dairy)
S. (Dr.) Kartar Singh GillJt. Secretary (Agriculture Education)

Members of the Managing Committee

S. Satyajeet Singh


S. Savinder Singh Kathunangal


S. Rajinder Mohan Singh

Hon. Secretary

S. Jatinder Singh

Addl. Hon. Secretary

S. Gunbir Singh

Jt. Secretary (Finance)

S. Ajmer Singh

Jt. Secretary (Legal Property)

S. Paramjit Singh Bal

Jt. Secretary (Buildings)

S. Lakhwinder Singh Dhillon

Jt. Secretary (Religious Affairs)

S. Gurpreet Singh Gill

Jt. Secretary (Aided Schools)

S. Santokh Singh Sethi

Jt. Secretary (Public Schools)

S. Rajbir Singh

Jt. Secretary (Farms & Dairy)

S. (Dr.) Kartar Singh Gill

Jt. Secretary (Agriculture Education)