Director's Message
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Director's Message
As there are countless challenges emerging in the fast changing world and in a lot of pressure of globalization and modernization, there is a dire need to equip the students and the faculty with whatever is the latest and the best in the world of knowledge. We are living in the 21st century and learning should be viewed as the most important investment that anyone can undertake.
Keeping in view the trade of the time of the trans-continental exchange of concepts and methodologies in the recent years, we have been trying to accord importance to high-tech teaching methodologies and to orient our energies, resources and infrastructural facilities to introduce courses which are the need of the hour
The Field of Pharmaceutical has made revolutionary progress throughout the globe. To ensure the quality assurance of the drugs & continued
research to promote the manufacture of new drugs we cultivate analytical mind and scientific temper along with the concomitant imparting of moral values that equip the students to combat whatever challenges they encounter. Even now, we can see the impact of future tests that may be developed for diagnosing such health problems as cancer or genetic disorders.
Taking into account, we succeeded in opening the pharmacy college in 2009 approved by PCI, New Delhi, affiliated to IKG PTU and PSBTE & IT, offering Diploma, Bachelor and Master Degree in Pharmacy. Considerable investment in the college has been made in order to meet the demands of a consistently growing student population. In a rare recognition of its research and its academic activities, Khalsa College of Pharmacy has become the first Institution in the region to be granted the accreditation status by the prestigious National Board of Accreditation (NBA) & National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).
The college is committed to provide job oriented quality education through the use of innovative techniques and smart teaching practices with dedicated faculty. Strong links with Industry, Hospitals and Medical colleges of India help Khalsa College of Pharmacy to give you the best possible start to your career. This prospectus will introduce you to our college & give details about courses offered, eligibility criteria, rules & regulations, facilities available, hostels & other services. I advise the students & parents to go through this prospectus carefully. It is only with the whole hearted support, cooperation and confidence of the parents and students in us that we will be able to fulfill our mission of providing new dimensions to education.
Come join Khalsa College of Pharmacy and make yourself germane to society and country.
With best wishes