3.2 Innovation Ecosystem |
3.2.1 Institutional Innovation |  | | | | |
3.2.2 Number of workshops /seminars | Seminars 2022-23 | Seminars 2021-22 | Seminar 2020-21 | Seminar 2019-20 | Seminar 2018-19 |
3.3 Research Publications and Awards |
3.3.1 Papers |  | | | | |
3.3.2 Book/Chapters |  | | | | |
3.4 Extension Activities |
3.4.1 Outcomes of Extension activities |  | | | | |
3.4.2 Awards and Recognitions |  | | | | |
3.4.3 Extension and outreach programs | Detailed Report | Photographs | | | |
3.5 Collaboration | MoU | Supporting Document | | | |